Training Resources

The CPRN partners with Williams Fire & Hazard Control for industrial firefighting training. Company Sponsored Training | WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL

The CPRN partners with Wild Well Control, Inc. to train local firefighters and industry responders in the Denver-Julesburg Basin. Wild Well Control | Wild Well Control: Emergency Response and Well Control Training

Wild Well Control has a Regional Response Location for the DJ Basin in Greeley, Colorado.

Pipeline and Oil Spill Response Training links courtesy of Occidental Petroleum (OXY): Home | NASFM (

CO2 Response Training:

CO2 Tactical Guidance PDF

The CPRN works closely with TRG - The Response Group. Incident and Crisis Management | The Response Group | United States (

TRG has an elite team of consultants ready to assist in Northern Colorado and the Denver Metro Area.

The CPRN promotes joint training with industry and local public safety responders on the following:

Unified Command


Overview of Major Fire Response

Municipal agencies responding to an oilfield emergency must deal with a unique set of safety factors, each with the potential to catastrophically escalate if initial response is inaccurate and resources are ineffectively assigned. We coordinate to provide training on response strategies, techniques, and resources to provide a more efficient and effective response for firefighting, rescue, hazmat, and emergency medical manpower for facilities in emergency situations, either natural or man-made. 

Overview of Uncontrolled Well Release for Responders

An oilfield well blowout presents a unique set of safety factors, each with the potential to catastrophically escalate if initial response is inaccurate and resources are ineffectively assigned. We coordinate with well blowout technical specialist to provide orientation and training on wellsite equipment, the most common causes of well blowouts, methodology of a response, and the basic equipment to respond to a blowout. 

Incident Command System (ICS)

The Incident Command System (ICS) provides the structure to enable an effective and efficient response to various types of emergency incidents. We coordinate to provide training to member companies and public safety agencies to provide training on ICS to ensure personnel use a common set of procedures, communications, and operate within a common organizational structure. 

Oil and Gas Training

Rigzone has a great resource of information on various aspects of the oil and gas industry in a “How does it work” training series. This training provides awareness on drilling, production, pipelines and various equipment and industry segments.