Message from the Chair

2024 Annual message from the CPRN Chair:

The CPRN persevered in 2023 and stayed commited to our mission of building preparedness, collaborating, and sharing lessons learned with first responders and industry. We continued to train and exercise with all our stakeholders in the oil and gas industry along with our committed first responders. Some training highlights include: training an additional 120 firefighters in oil and gas 101, presenting at multiple conferences, joint efforts between Williams Fire & Hazard Control and CPRN. These efforts have enhanced the CPRN and made communities safer. We have improved emergency response, communication, unified command and water supply issues on industry locations with the Stortz-Camlock project. In 2023, the CPRN focused on available resources, enhanced communications, and continued training. The regional table-top exercise (TTX) after action review of a flooding scenario, showed there are public safety and industry resources ready to assist for the common goal of incident stabilization. In 2024, we will identify the region’s spill response resources, and work to find the best multi-agency communication platforms. We also have a goal of creating a resource map for the DJ Basin to identify HazMat and spill response resources. The coming year will continue to bring challenges as the CPRN adjusts to industry consolidations and acquisitions. There is nothing that industry and government cannot overcome with excellent training, collaboration, and communication. I ask First Responders, Oil and Gas Producers, and Pipeline Professionals to remain vigilant in keeping our critical energy infrastructure safe. We encounter domestic security threats often, but the CPRN’s Energy Critical Infrastructure Protection (ECIP) group, with law enforcement partners and industry security experts, will work to prevent crime and better prepare those responding. Thanks to the Managing Director, Dan Frazen, for his efforts to promote and grow the CPRN. I would also like to thank my fellow board members for their commitment and dedication to growing and enhancing the CPRN. I am looking forward to what 2024 brings for the CPRN; including membership growth, drill and exercise enhancement, and continued relationship building between our oil and gas operators and all public safety agencies.

— Ken Meritt, Safety Division, Williams Rocky Mountain Midstream

2023 Annual message from the CPRN Chair:

The CPRN persevered in 2022 and stayed committed to our mission of building preparedness, collaborating, and sharing lessons learned. We continued to train and exercise with all our stakeholders in the oil and gas industry along with our committed first responders. These efforts have enhanced the CPRN and made communities safer. We have improved emergency response, communication, and our unified command capabilities.

In 2022, the CPRN focused on knowing resources, communicating better, and continued training were important discussions in our after-action review of the CPRN’s Regional Table-top Exercises. These were conducted in Weld and Adams Counties, and both simulated a tornado striking oil and gas resources, including a production facility and an above-ground pipeline. These exercises help both First Responders and Industry members understand each other’s resources and capabilities to assist one another for the common goal of incident stabilization.

In 2023, we will identify the region’s spill response resources, work to find the best multi-agency communication platforms available and explore new delivery methods for our Oil & Gas 101 training course. 2023 will continue to bring challenges, but nothing that industry and government cannot overcome with excellent training and communication.

I ask First Responders, Oil and Gas Producers, and Pipeline Professionals to remain vigilant in keeping our critical energy infrastructure safe. We encounter domestic security threats often, but the CPRN’s Energy Critical Infrastructure Protection (ECIP) group, with law enforcement partners and industry security experts, will work to prevent crime and better prepare those responding to security issues in the DJ.

Thank you to the Managing Director, Dan Frazen, for his diligent efforts to promote and grow the CPRN, and push our message of collaboration, coordination, and safety into new counties. The CPRN is now one of the most relevant preparedness organizations in Colorado. I would also like to personally thank Lynna Scranton, the 2021-2022 CPRN Chair. Lynna led with distinction as we operated as a new 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, transitioned to a new managing director, and expanded our membership and influence.

I am looking forward to what 2023 brings for the CPRN, especially the continued relationship building between our oil and gas operators and first responders.

— Ken Meritt, Safety Division, Williams Rocky Mountain Midstream

2022 Annual message from the CPRN Chair:

The Colorado Preparedness & Response Network (CPRN) had a successful 2021 despite the continuing challenges of the pandemic. Although we could not meet in person as much as we would have liked, we continued building relationships, collaborating, and developing shared knowledge between the oil and gas industry and the first responder community.

2022 is bringing changes. CPRN is excited to welcome two new member companies, Chevron and Williams. We are also welcoming a new managing director, Dan Frazen. Dan has extensive emergency response experience and was most recently the City of Greeley Emergency Manager. The CPRN is excited to have Dan leading the efforts.

I want to thank Tron Clark, the initial Managing Director of the CPRN. The CPRN became a successful organization enhancing preparedness and collaboration between oil and gas operators and first responders through his persistence and dedication. We very much appreciate all he has done for this organization.

I would also like to thank the Board of Directors and the participating First Responders for their continued commitment to ensuring safe and responsive development. I am looking forward to another successful year for the CPRN!

— Lynna Scranton, DJ HSE Manager, Occidental (OXY)

2021 Annual message from the CPRN Chair:

After years in the making, the Colorado Preparedness and Response Network (CPRN) was formalized over a year ago and continues to build momentum.  This non-profit organization enhances relationships and develops shared knowledge between the industry and the first responder community, through preparedness drills, training, and collaboration.

As a 35-year Colorado resident and a 15+ year member of the DJ oil and gas community, I am proud to support the crucial partnership between industry and first responders to ensure safe and responsive development. I am honored to serve as the second Chair of CPRN and I am looking forward to the growth and enhancement of this important organization. 

I would like to thank the CPRN member companies, Board of Directors, participating First Responders, Tron Clark (CPRN Managing Director), and Josh Carlisle (first CPRN chair). The success of this organization is rooted in their continuous preparedness efforts and their commitment to collaboration.

I’m looking forward to another great year with this organization as we continue our efforts to enhance emergency response in Colorado!

— Lynna Scranton, DJ HSE Manager, Occidental Petroleum (OXY)

2020 Message from the CPRN Chair:

Through the ongoing support of the oil & gas industry in Colorado, I am proud to announce leading E&P operators in the region have formalized the Colorado Preparedness and Response Network (CPRN). This non-profit organization exists to enhance relationships and develop the knowledge base between the industry and the first responder community. 

As a former volunteer Lieutenant firefighter and EMT, the collaborative effort between industry and our public first responders are very important to me. I am humbled by the efforts of the many individuals in both public service and the oil and gas industry over the past five years and their dedication to enhancing the vision of this group. In particular, I would like to give special thanks to Weld County Emergency Manager Roy Rudisill for his support of and advocacy for this group over the past several years.

I am honored to serve as the Chair of this innovative non-profit organization and I’m excited to champion the vision and mission of this organization. The Board of Directors, and our Members, look forward to continuing our partnership between industry and first responders to ensure Colorado is at the forefront of emergency preparedness response.

— Josh Carlisle, EHSR Manager, Extraction Oil and Gas