About Us

Our Vision

An Industry Collaboration with Local Responders Working to Enhance Emergency Preparedness & Response  

Our Mission

The Colorado Preparedness & Response Network (CPRN) will enhance community safety by:

Developing and fostering relationships between industry, public safety, and emergency management to build preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation capabilities.

Promoting safety and risk management best practices, strategies, training, tools, and standards to improve emergency response planning and preparedness.

Supporting mutual-aid, collaboration, and unified command with industry and public safety agencies to achieve a coordinated and effective response to an all-hazards event.

Improving local emergency response and planning by combining industry emergency plans with other local planning efforts to achieve an integrated community emergency response plan.

Maximizing cooperation among all committed stakeholders in the response community through information sharing and prioritizing lessons learned.


Core Values


Develop and build solutions to improve emergency response planning and readiness and follow through.


Provide clarity to members in emergencies through careful planning, training, coordination, and supply of response resources.


Develop professional working relationships with stakeholders to protect the communities we live and work in.


Who We Are

  • The CPRN is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit member-owned oil and gas industry-driven initiative to promote best management practices, share resources, expertise, and training with an emphasis on responding to oil and gas emergencies. 

  • The CPRN started with a focus in Northern Colorado’s DJ Basin and the surrounding areas to provide assistance upon request to its members in the event of either an industrial or community emergency event through mutual-aid agreements

  • The CPRN is open to any industrial company in the DJ Basin as well as Government entities providing Public Safety services such as Fire Departments, Districts or Authorities, Police Departments, City or County Offices of Emergency Management, and Regulatory Agencies. 

  • CPRN is not a response organization, nor does it accept authority or responsibilities on behalf of the Members. Members are solely responsible for managing and directing activities and resources responding to emergency events.

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Our Strengths


The CPRN is made up of several devoted internal and external stakeholders sharing our vision, with outside external companies and technical specialists offering support to accomplish our mission. 


The CPRN has several Subject-Matter-Experts (SME’s) in the field of Emergency Response for Fire, Oil Spills, HAZMAT, Natural Disasters, and All-Hazards incidents. Our diverse network of SME’s enables us to be a leader in the field of Emergency Preparedness & Response.

The CPRN and its members Incident Management Team’s (IMT) structure is based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS). This system provides a consistent approach to emergency response situations and enables public and private organizations and various governmental jurisdictions to work together.to prepare, respond, recover, and mitigate the effects of an event, regardless of the complexity, size, location, or cause. By working under one universal system, we have a foundation in place for managing events, training, shared exercises, and lessons learned to address incident specific conditions.


Industry Member

A Company owning or operating one or more wells or facilities, 3rd  Party company owning or operating wells or facilities as part of joint ownership, or company managing or owning an operating corridor by rail, pipeline, or road within the State of Colorado, DJ Basin oil and gas activities region and other areas defined by CPRN in the production, transportation, processing, or gathering of oil and gas.

Government Member

A Governmental entity providing Public Safety services through an Office of Emergency Management (OEM); Fire Department, District or Authority; Emergency Medical Services (EMS); or Law Enforcement agency.

Public Safety Members do not pay annual dues and are not currently on the CPRN Board of Directors, but their expertise, resources, and support are instrumental in the success of the organization.

Supporting Partner Member

An entity or organization related to the industry that does not satisfy either of the requirements to be an Industry or Government Member; smaller oil & gas operators and service providers in the oil field; a vendor/sales company providing support to the industry and/or a non-government entity providing a support role to public safety agencies.