
Below is a list of acronyms commonly used by companies operating in Northern Colorado’s DJ Basin. This list is evergreen and not all inclusive. Included is a link to Schlumberger’s Oilfield Glossary, which is a more comprehensive resource.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | X


API – American Petroleum Institute

AVO – Audio Visual Olfactory


BBL – Barrel (42 gallons)

BCF – Billion Cubic Feet (of natural gas)

BHA – Bottom Hole assembly

BHP – Bottom Hole Pressure

BLM – Bureau of Land Management

BOE – Barrel of Oil Equivalent (6 mcf)

BOEPD – Barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day

BOL – Back On Line

BOP – Blow Out Preventer

BOPD – Barrel(s) of oil per day

BPH – Barrels Per Hour

BPM – Barrels Per Minute

BS&W – Basic Sediment and Water

BTU – British Thermal Units

BV – Block Valve

BVLV – Ball Valve


CBL – Cement Bond Log (measurement of casing cement integrity)

CBP – Composite Bridge Plug

CBT – Computer Based Training

CDP – Central Delivery Point

CDPHE – Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

CIBP – Cast Iron Bridge plug

COGA – Colorado Oil & Gas Association

COGCC – Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

COSF – Central Oil Stabilizing Facility

CSG – Casing

CTB – Central Tank Battery

CWA – Clean Water Act


DHF – Down Hole Freeze


E&I – Electrical and Instrumentation

E&P – Exploration and Production

ECD – Emissions Control Device

EFM –Electronic Flow Meter

EOT – End of Tubing

ESA – Endangered Species Act

ESD – Emergency Shut-Down


FB – Flow Back

FCV – Flow Control Valve

FL – Flow Line

FLF – Flow Line Freeze

FRP – Facility Response Plan


GFC – Gas Flow Computer

GL – Ground Level

GOR – Gas Oil Ratio

GPM – Gallons Per Minute

GPM – Gallons Per thousand

GSM – Gas Sales Meter

GV – Ground Valve

GWA – Greater Wattenberg Area


H2S – Hydrogen Sulfide

HAZOP – Hazardous Operation

HLH – High Line Hold

HP – High Pressure

HSE – Health Safety Environment (EH&S)

HZ – Horizontal well


IA – Instrument Air

IC – Incident Command

IOC – Integrated Operations Center

IOTG – Introductory Operator Training Guide

IP – Intermediate Pressure


JIB – Joint Interest Billing

JT – Joint

JT – Joule-Thompson

JV – Joint Venture 


KB – Kelly Bushing

KPI – Key Performance Indicator


LACT – Lease Automatic Custody Transfer

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LDAR – Leak Detection And Repair

LEL – Lower Explosive Limit

LGR – Liquid Gas Ratio

LL – Load Line

LOE – Lease Operating Expense

LOS – Lease Operating Statement

LOTO – Lock Out / Tag Out

LP – Line Pressure

LP – Low Pressure

LPO – Lease Production Operator

LSS – Lean Six Sigma

LU – Loaded Up


M&R – Maintenance &Repair

MAWP – Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

MBTA – Migratory Bird Treaty Act

MCC – Motor Control Center

MCF – A Thousand Cubic Feet (of natural gas)

MI – Mechanical Integrity

MIRU – Move In Rig Up

MIT – Mechanical Integrity Team

MIT – Mechanical Integrity Test

MLM – Meter Life-cycle Management

MMCF – Million Cubic Feet (of natural gas)

MOC – Management Of Change

MSO – Magnetic Shut Off

MTR – Material Test Record

MV – Motor Valve


NGL – Natural Gas Liquids

NORM – Natural Occurring Radioactive Material

NOV – Notice Of Violation

NPV – Net Present Value

NVLV – Needle Valve


O&G – Oil and Gas

OP – Orifice Plate

OPF – Oil Polishing Facility

OSM – Operational Safety Management

OSMITRN – Operations Safety Management-Mechanical Integrity and Training.


P&A – Plugged and Abandoned (of a well)

P&ID – Piping and Instrumentation Diagram/Drawing

P&L – Profit and Loss

PBMD – Plug Back Measured Depth

PBTD – Plug Back Total Depth

PCCU – Portable Collection and Calibration Unit

PDB – Production Data Base

PDC – Production Data Capture

PHA – Process Hazard Analyses

PKR – Packer

PLC – Programmable Logic Controllers

PPM – Parts Per Million

PR – Pressure Regulator

PRV – Pressure Relieve Valve (Liquid)

PSI – Pounds per Square Inch

PSIA – Pounds per Square Inch Atmospheric

PSIG – Pounds per Square Inch Gauge

PSM – Process Safety Management

PSSR – Pre Startup Safety Review

PSV – Pressure Safety Valve

PVIR – Preventable Vehicle Incident Rate

PVT – Pressure Volume Temperature (Samples)


RBP – Retrievable Bridge Plug

RDC – Resource Development Company (online Training)

RDMO – Rig Down Move Out/Off

RF – Radio Frequency

RIH – Run In Hole

RTP – Return To Production

RTU – Remote Terminal Unit

RVP – Reid Vapor Pressure

RWTP – Return Well to Production


SCF – Standard Cubic Foot

SDFN – Shut Down For Night

SEP – Separator

SG – Specific Gravity

SI – Shut In

SME – Subject Matter Expert

SN – Seat Nipple

SOP – Standard Operational Procedure

SPCC – Spill Prevention Control and  Countermeasures

SPM – Strokes Per Minute

SV – Standing Valve

SWD – Salt Water Disposal


TA – Temporarily Abandoned well

TAC – Tubing Anchor Catcher

TBG – Tubing

TD – Top Dump

TD – Total Depth

TDL – Turn Down Line

TIH – Trip In Hole

TMD – Total Measured Depth

TOC – Top Of Cement

TOOH – Trip/Tally Out Of Hole

TOTPD – Turned Over To Production

TOTS – Turned Over To Sales

TRIR – Total Recorded Incident Rate

TVD – Total Vertical Depth


VFD – Variable Frequency Drive

VLV – Valve

VOC –Volatile Organic Compound

VRT – Vapor Recovery Tower

VRU – Vapor Recovery Unit


WAT - Wax Appearance Temperature

WH – Well Head

WO – Work Order

WOD – Water On Demand


XMV – X series Multivariable Transmitter

XN Nipple – Profile Landing Nipple